We are integrated people in an interconnected world. IT values your psychological, spiritual, and physical health, and the good work you aim to achieve. From a position of increasing centeredness and peace IT helps you identify your unique callings and goals. While growing in healthy relationships with self, others, and God, we map effective paths to achieve your dreams, and support your accelerated success. This is Integrated Transformation.



IT helps you Commune with the Divine, better Connect with self and others, and Create good work in the world. IT is not counseling, coaching, or spiritual direction. However, it could be seen as an integration of these three. Counseling meets roadblocks when there is insufficient space to address spiritual and professional needs which provide a more secure base for accelerated psychological growth. Coaching meets roadblocks when goals are set without, or in contradiction with, spiritual insights and values, and when compromising relational commitments. Spiritual direction meets roadblocks when failing to address psychological needs and when misplaced professional goals hinder spiritual connection. IT values that each part of you is dynamically interconnected with other parts and with your environment. Therefore, IT cultivates your holistic health as you commune, connect, and create.

Good counseling, coaching, and spiritual direction will overlap with the other fields. However, IT aims for the center and requires a guide with unique skill and experience in each field. IT guides are happy to refer to a counselor, specialized coach, or spiritual director when our work may be complemented by more focused work in any one area.


Is Integrated Transformation for me?

If you are looking for greater holistic health, Integrated Transformation is for you. Contact Dr. McGill for a free 15 minute consultation.

If you are looking only for a spiritual director, you are likely to be frustrated when we move from inspiration to practical action planning. If you are only looking for a coach, you may be frustrated when we consider how your plans may be directed and informed by your relationship with the Divine. If you are only looking for a therapist, you may be frustrated when we move from reflecting on your story to seeing how your past is impacting your work and your relationship with God.

However, if you are seeking Integrated Transformation, you will be delighted by the way we discover how your work may be more directed and informed by your relationship with the Divine. You will feel enlivened by the way we consider how your story impacts your relationships, and how your relationships inform the work that you were called to do. This is where you find resolution. It is these diverse, and sometimes conflicting parts of your life, where you find meaning, and this is where you find Integrated Transformation.


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